• Happy 420!

    From Vorlonze@WEEDNET/IMZADI to All on Wed Apr 20 10:00:04 2022
    Its 4/20 again, Happy 420 Day!

    ... You can learn many things from children... like how much patience you have

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Mystic Realms - A Social Media Alternative (420:1/12)
    þ Synchronet þ Imzadi Box -*- box.imzadi.de
  • From acn@WEEDNET/IMZADI to Vorlonze on Thu Apr 21 16:55:00 2022
    Am 20.04.22 schrieb Vorlonze@420:1/12 in WEED_GENERAL:

    Hallo Vorlonze,

    Its 4/20 again, Happy 420 Day!

    Thank you, same to you! I hope you all have been celebrating the day a
    little :)

    I wasn't online yesterday, so I missed the opportunity for such a mail
    *shame on me*

    How has everyone else celebrated the day?

    Have fun!


    --- OpenXP 5.0.51
    * Origin: Imzadi Box -*- WeedNet FTN hub (420:2/1.1)
    þ Synchronet þ Imzadi Box -*- box.imzadi.de
  • From Vorlonze@WEEDNET/IMZADI to acn on Thu Apr 21 14:28:20 2022
    On 21 Apr 2022, acn said the following...

    Hallo Vorlonze,

    Thank you, same to you! I hope you all have been celebrating the day a little :)
    Unfortunately I cannot. I driver a commercial vehicle and randomly tested.

    ... What does it mean to pre-board? Do you get on before you get on?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Mystic Realms - A Social Media Alternative (420:1/12)
    þ Synchronet þ Imzadi Box -*- box.imzadi.de
  • From acn@WEEDNET/IMZADI to Vorlonze on Tue Apr 26 16:50:00 2022
    Am 21.04.22 schrieb Vorlonze@420:1/12 in WEED_GENERAL:

    Hallo Vorlonze,

    Thank you, same to you! I hope you all have been celebrating the day a ac>> little :)
    Unfortunately I cannot. I driver a commercial vehicle and randomly tested.

    That's really unfortunate... I hope that this problem will be dealt
    with when Germany legalizes weed (that should happen in the next 1-3 years)...


    --- OpenXP 5.0.51
    * Origin: Imzadi Box -*- WeedNet FTN hub (420:2/1.1)
    þ Synchronet þ Imzadi Box -*- box.imzadi.de
  • From Vorlonze@WEEDNET/IMZADI to acn on Tue Apr 26 13:23:46 2022
    On 26 Apr 2022, acn said the following...
    Unfortunately I cannot. I driver a commercial vehicle and randomly test

    That's really unfortunate... I hope that this problem will be dealt
    with when Germany legalizes weed (that should happen in the next 1-3 years)...

    I never expected that. I was always under the impression that Germany and the EU were ahead of us simpletons in North America. That's unfortunate that you still have to wait.
    Has there been any solid decision made that says you WILL be legalized, its just a matter of when or no one has made the leap as yet?
    The USA is just as backwards as they always are. More than half of the states have legalized however federally its still a schedule 1 drug. Meaning that you can't be charged locally or by the state but DEA still can.
    I do hope you get legal sooner than later.

    ... One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Mystic Realms - A Social Media Alternative (420:1/12)
    þ Synchronet þ Imzadi Box -*- box.imzadi.de
  • From acn@WEEDNET/IMZADI to Vorlonze on Wed Apr 27 11:10:00 2022
    Am 26.04.22 schrieb Vorlonze@420:1/12 in WEED_GENERAL:

    Hallo Vorlonze,

    I never expected that. I was always under the impression that Germany and the EU were ahead of us simpletons in North America.

    No, not at this topic ;-)

    That's unfortunate that you still have to wait. Has there been any
    solid decision made that says you WILL be legalized, its just a
    matter of when or no one has made the leap as yet?

    In Germany, we got a new administration at the end of 2021, and the
    three parties have agreed to legalize Weed during this legislation
    period (2021-2025).
    But due to the still ongoing pandemic and now the war in Ukraine, I
    think it got deferred a little.
    Maybe they are already working on a 'weed act', but it will take a
    So, it never looked better than yet, but we still have to wait a

    In other countries of the EU, regulations have already changed:
    Afaik, in Spain, Cannabis Social Clubs do exist and are legal (but I
    don't know anything more).
    Also, Malta did legalize some aspects of Cannabis, but I also don't
    have any more insight here.
    And we have the Netherlands with their coffee shops :)

    The USA is just as backwards as they always are. More than half of
    the states have legalized however federally its still a schedule 1
    drug. Meaning that you can't be charged locally or by the state but
    DEA still can. I do hope you get legal sooner than later.

    Meh, that's unfortunate. Let's hope that it will change on the federal
    level soon...


    --- OpenXP 5.0.51
    * Origin: Imzadi Box -*- WeedNet FTN hub (420:2/1.1)
    þ Synchronet þ Imzadi Box -*- box.imzadi.de